
The presented study identifies the channels through which digital transformation affects the system of socio-economic relations, particularly relations associated with employment, and substantiates the transformations in the system of government regulation caused by digitalization.Aim. The study aims to develop proposals to improve the national economic policy in the field of employment regulation with allowance for the current and future challenges of digitalization and the experience of developed (in terms of information technology) countries.Tasks. The authors provide a brief description of the modern revolution in information technology manifested in the form of large-scale digitalization of socio-economic relations; assess the speed, focus, and problems of development of the digital sector of economy in Russia in comparison with other countries; determine the scale and channels through which digitalization affects the well-being and employment of the population; propose directions for improving the national economic policy in the field of employment regulation with allowance for Russian peculiarities.Methods. This study uses the methods of institutional, structural, and statistical analysis with regard to digital transformation processes and in the context of the examination of changes in the socio-economic system and employment structure. The problems of the impact of digital transformations on socio-economic relations are examined using a systems approach and the methodology of comparative analysis and benchmarking — in a comparative analysis of the situation in Russia and other countries. Results. The authors believe digitalization to be a new trend that determines the direction of socioeconomic development in the medium term. In terms of the level of digitalization, Russia is significantly lagging behind developed and many developing countries, which impairs the sustainability of the national economy and national economic security. At the same time, the existing lag allows us to critically study the foreign experience of large-scale digitalization, particularly in terms of its impact on the labor market, employment, and social structure, to form an efficient national policy for regulating the digital transformation of the economy and society. The study proposes several directions aimed at early recognition and neutralization of the potential negative effects of digitalization on the Russian socio-economic system.Conclusions. It is advisable to improve the national economic policy in the field of employment regulation and related fields with allowance for the current and future challenges of digitalization and the experience of developed (in terms of information technology) countries with a focus on certain areas, such as taking into consideration the prospective requirements of the labor market for “future specialists” (creativity, humanistic orientation of thinking and actions, leadership skills, psychological stability, cognitive flexibility, etc.) when developing and updating educational standards, and paying more attention to the development of continuous education. It is also necessary to strengthen government support for self-employment and individual entrepreneurship as legal forms serving as substitutions for hired labor in the digital economy, taking into account the “forced” (in some cases) nature of such entrepreneurship, which calls for government support in both economic and social terms. Convergence of the national policy in the field of social protection and social security with business policy plays an important role, as does the prevention of digital inequality and its “fusion” with traditional property and income inequality.

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