
The article actualizes the research search for a solution to the problem of career guidance of a socializing personality in the conditions of digital transformation of society. Research methods: analysis of sources and literature, quantitative research methods - surveys in the form of questionnaires in an online environment. The transformation of society activates components, including the creation and development of digital technologies, platforms that are used to form the need for career guidance in the interaction of individuals with digital technologies and platforms. The results of the study. In the transition to the informational stage of the development of society, a new global digital environment arises surrounding the person. Since the powerful information processing industry based on computer and telecommunication information technologies is part of the life of an actively socializing individual, this implies a certain level of literacy and a developed information culture of the person, therefore those who are able to actively use the capabilities of central heating, means of communication through social networks are in a more advantageous state. Conclusions. The digital environment, as part of the global information environment, will gradually and purposefully set the vector for the pragmatic and rational use of the DH to form (and then, naturally, satisfy) fundamentally different socially useful, socially adaptive needs of a developed personality, including the need for career guidance. It will help to avoid negative side effects of the avalanche-like collapse of the global information environment on the emerging personality.

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