
Digital transformation may influence the relationship between citizens and the state. Digital technologies change people’s life content while current legislation often fails to adequately respond to the challenges of new technologies and relevant social relations in a timely manner This article discusses possible directions of legislative innovation and digital adoption practices required to stay up-to-date with the ongoing digitalization of social processes. The author analyses fundamental approaches, existing legal regulation and current digitalization practices. The process of mass digitalization can be launched only supported by the current law. The article explores theoretical provisions, conceptual methods and developments of digital technologies in business across various sectors at the present stage of economic development. The author underlines that technology may allow new ways to organize production processes, financial services and logistics, which in turn will benefit the business community and general population. The article examines the terms of digital, information and analog technologies. The author notes that the term “digital technologies” is not explicitly defined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The article draws special attention to the emergence of new tools of the digital economy, key technologies such as assistive technologies, autopilot systems, drones, and digital platforms. The author also mentions the disadvantages of using some of the digital technologies and suggests the ways of further improvement of the considered digital technologies.

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