
Relevance. In the modern world, the student is no longer attached to the teacher or to their environment. Digital communication technologies give the student an opportunity to choose where and what to learn, in what environment to develop, in what events to take part. The success of this new, increasingly digitalised education system will be determined not only by the extent the training adapts a person to the current socio-economic structure. Success increasingly depends on the ability to constantly adapt, change, rapidly master new activities and acquire new professional skills and abilities.Purpose. The purpose of this study is to analyse the prospects for the introduction of digital technologies that allow improving education and planning concrete steps to transform the work of universities and improve education and professional training.Methodology. The leading method of research was the method of analysis and synthesis, which allowed fully completing the tasks set and achieving the intended purposes.Results. As a result of the study, digital trends in education were studied, which allowed identifying the advantages and disadvantages of digitalisation of education. The study described the most currently used modern technologies that have already been successfully implemented in the Kazakh education system, and considered the tools of the virtual space that need to be used in the future for the full implementation of the strategy of transition to digital education. The authors determined that at the moment the education system of Kazakhstan needs to develop a more effective and comprehensive programme for the introduction of modern technologies in the educational process.Conclusions. The practical significance of the present paper is determined by the fact that the proposed tools of digitalisation of education can be used in pedagogical activity.

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