Quantum computing is a computer development technology that uses quantum mechanics to perform the operations of data and information. It is an advanced technology, yet the quantum channel is used to transmit the quantum information which is sensitive to the environment interaction. Quantum error correction is a hybrid between quantum mechanics and the classical theory of error-correcting codes that are concerned with the fundamental problem of communication, and/or information storage, in the presence of noise. The interruption made by the interaction makes transmission error during the quantum channel qubit. Hence, a quantum error correction code is needed to protect the qubit from errors that can be caused by decoherence and other quantum noise. In this paper, the digital system design of the quantum error correction code is discussed. Three designs used qubit codes, and nine-qubit codes were explained. The systems were designed and configured for encoding and decoding nine-qubit error correction codes. For comparison, a modified circuit is also designed by adding Hadamard gates.
Quantum computing is a development of computer technology that is based on the theory of quantum which is quantum mechanics
In quantum computing, the information is stored into quantum bits or qubits and being transferred as either 0, 1, or in a superposition state which is 0 and 1 at the same time
Wada et al in [4] proposed the construction of quantum error-correcting codes by designing the circulant permutation matrix which is obtained from the parity check matrices
Quantum computing is a development of computer technology that is based on the theory of quantum which is quantum mechanics. In quantum computing, the information is stored into quantum bits or qubits and being transferred as either 0, 1, or in a superposition state which is 0 and 1 at the same time. Wada et al in [4] proposed the construction of quantum error-correcting codes by designing the circulant permutation matrix which is obtained from the parity check matrices. A sufficient condition of the parity check matrices has been derived so that the entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting code (EAQEC) only needs one maximally entangled quantum state. Yin et al in [7] conducted a study that discusses the construction of single-error-correcting quantum codes for two cases. A simple circuit is constructed to encode the original state by distributing quantum information over the minimal number required which is five qubits in this study. Universal gate sets and fault-tolerant operations on the bosonic codes are realized, pushing quantum information processing towards the QEC era
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