
Quantum error correction comes from the marriage of quantum mechanics with the theory of error-correcting codes, which is still at the rudimentary stage tackling only 1 qubit to date. As, unlike the classical world, the extent of error in the quantum world is substantially high and unavoidable, scaling up the quantum error correction from 1 qubit to higher is of utmost significane. Therefore, to achive the scaling up, we present a general quantum error correction code that can be adapted for any number of quantum errors (bit-flip error to be specific in our case). This generalized code for bit-flip error correction realizes a delicate blending of using controlled-NOT gates with the notion of quantum entanglement. We augment the blending with majority voting in the final stage of the error correction. We demonstrate efficacy of our proposed error correction code through real experimentation in IBM Qiskit. Our experimental results up to 3-qubit bit-flip errors in the available Qiskit infrastructure confirm a total escape from errors using our proposed error correction code.

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