This article has attempted to understand the nature, meaning and scope of 'digital signature'. In turn, this article has also focused on the mechanism of affixing the 'digital signature' to electronic record. Signature signify authentication, verification and non-repudiation, but in electronic environment this mechanism happens in altogether different sense as compare to paper-based world because paper-based and paper-less world are different in its context and contents. The attempt is to understand the effect and impact of 'digital signature' in the cyberspace, its techno-legal effect and system if issuing, granting and maintaining the 'Digital Signature' in India. The limitation of this article is the legal system it focused upon, i.e. Indian Legal system. This article has understand the effect and impact of 'digital signature' in general sense, but keeping the Information Technology Act, 2000 [Indian piece of legislation dealing with Information Technology], thus context different to that effect.
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