
Part 1 Introduction: background sampling and analog-to-digital conversion time-domain analysis - describing signals and processors, digital convolution Fourier analysis - the discrete Fourier series, the Fourier transform the z-transform - definition and properties, z-plane poles and zeros. Part 2 Digital filter design: non-recursive filters - introduction, the Fourier transform method, window functions, equiripple filters recursive filters - introduction, the bilinear transformation, impulse-invariant filters. Part 3 The discrete and fast Fourier transforms: the discrete Fourier transform the fast Fourier transform (FFT) - basis of the FFT, index mapping, twiddle factors and FFT butterflies, decimation-in-time algorithms, decimation-in-frequency algorithms, FFT processing, fast convolution. Part 4 Describing random sequences: introduction basis measures of random sequences - amplitude distribution, mean, mean-square and variance, ensemble averages and time averages, autocorrelation, power spectrum, cross-correlation, cross-spectrum. Part 5 Processing random sequences: response of linear processors white noise through a filter system identification by cross-correlation signals in noise - introduction, signal recovery, matched filter detection, signal averaging appendix A - computer programs - list of programs and introductory notes basic programs PASCL programs appendix B - tables of Fourier and z-transforms - the discrete Fourier series - properties the Fourier transform of speriodic digital signals - properties and pairs the unilateral z-transform - pairs the unilateral z-transform - properties the discrete Fourier transform - properties.

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