
Digital Twins (DT) are the real-time virtual representation of systems, communities, cities, or even human beings with the substantial potential to revolutionize post-disaster risk management efforts and achieve resilient communities against the adverse effects of disasters. However, this potential remains largely unrecognized and poorly understood in disaster risk management. This study explores current achievements, existing challenges, and the untapped potential of DT in disaster risk management, and accordingly, proposes an improved Digital twin-based post-disaster risk management framework. This paper employs a systematic literature review approach focusing on digital post-disaster risk management twinning (DPRMT) and smart early warning systems derived from two databases: Scopus and Web of Science. After a screening process with exclusion criteria, the final analysis synthesizes findings from a selected set of 96 papers. The results revealed that previous studies are not beyond only providing general statements about DT. There is a need for diverse data collection methods, considering demographic and financial aspects, understanding social dynamics, employing dynamic models, recognizing interconnected systems, and giving due attention to the often-neglected recovery phase. This study proposes a comprehensive DPRMT concept framework leveraging decision-makers with a holistic and efficient approach that offers real-time, detailed, and data-driven modeling solutions to achieve insights into disaster-affected areas and communities. It is also helpful to optimize response planning, resource allocation, and scenario testing by capturing the dynamic and complex human behaviors and understanding interconnected systems and entities that are often overlooked in previous disaster risk management studies.

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