
Moderate and responsible wine consumption is integral to many cultures around the world and can be part of a healthy lifestyle. However, a minority consumes alcoholic beverages excessively or in a binge drinking pattern. Everybody in the wine value chain - from the producer to the salesperson to the restaurant service staff – can contribute to reduce harmful consumption and promote responsible drinking patterns. Therefore, the education of wine professionals is essential to equip them with the necessary knowledge to communicate and spread the message of responsible consumption patterns end encourage moderate consumption habits by serving alcoholic beverages responsibly . For this reason, nine interactive online training modules have been developed, the topics include: wine/alcoholic beverages and health, responsible advertising, the wine-related legal framework, responsible wine tastings, oenotourism to just name a few. All of the educational modules will be obligatory in the online training. The participants of the training will take a test at the beginning and at the end of every module. Every professional who has successfully completed the digital training will be considered a Wine in Moderation trained professional. For this, they need to have reached at least 80% in the quizzes at the end of all modules. Because wine drinking patterns vary depending on local traditions, education, gender, age group and socio-economic factors, the training can be adapted in every country. At the end of a successful completion of the training, the participant will receive a certificate. The details of the online training will be presented and discussed. Considering the increasing interest in wine/alcoholic beverages and health issues and professional training in responsible service, these online education modules should be useful for every actor of the wine sector to empower as many professionals as possible on responsible consumption habits. This is the only way the sector will be able to preserve a sustainable culture of wine.

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