
The demand for oil and gas at present is very huge across the globe. The forecast is that this demand is going to shoot-up only and it would be a huge burden on the Oil & Gas Operators to produce more and meet the demand. Most of the offshore platforms around the world are Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI) type with the sole purpose to produce the maximum from the reservoir and send the produce to onshore for processing. NUI philosophy is normally to have minimum facilities to reduce trips to the platforms due to HSE reasons and reduce cost of such trips. It is a huge challenge to sustain production at around the same rate as in the beginning and for a longer duration. Some of the major factors remain unknown if the wells are conventional type without any feedback mechanism. Intelligence added to the wells in offshore platforms do a lot of wonder. Operators get equipped with loads of information with which they can maximize the production, cut down on the water production, cut down on the volume of gas being used for gas lift process, reduce manual intervention, cut down on the risks involved in an offshore environment, reduce OPEX significantly etc. The CAPEX will obviously be higher compared to a traditional configuration, however, the benefits are aplen- ty in the long run.

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