This review paper explores the line of how digital literacy can give rural women power, addressing the hurdles those women face and what innovations might be needed to bring inclusion and economic advancement. This paper aims to look at what has been done so far to promote digital literacy among rural women through existing literature on digital literacy initiatives for rural women and to determine the best way to enhance digital skills to meet their needed. It aims at circumventing some of the barriers rural women encounter in accessing digital resources, evaluating the effectiveness of the existing training models to propose scalable, culturally innovative methods of improving digital literacy. The study examines how digital literacy efforts affect rural women by using a thematic analysis of secondary data, such as surveys, case studies, and program evaluations. The analysis finds important routes to socioeconomic inclusion and empowerment by combining knowledge from multiple sources. It also appraises need-based training modules focused on local language content, peer support and low-impacting technological demands. Results show that rural women’s economic independence, social engagement and community participation are positively impacted by digital literacy. Nevertheless, consistent gaps remain in policy support and allocations of resources for sustaining the digital literacy program. Finally, the paper recommends pursuing this effort on the basis of collaborative ground-up efforts at the borders of policymakers, educational in stitutions and organizational entities for the development of the accessible and sustainable initiative of digital literacy geared towards a broader empowerment and development goal.
Published Version
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