
Purpose — to determine the meaning and content of new terms of the theory of law, which will later be used in other branches of law. To actualize the problem of digital intellectual property objects. Identify the gray zones of legal regulation that have arisen in practice and analyze changes in judicial practice in 2022-2023. Methods. Classical methods are used. It showed high efficiency: a comparative legal, dialectical-materialistic method, formal-legal. Results. The list of intellectual property objects is expanding. New entrepreneurial activities are emerging, based on the collection of information and the creation of 3D models. Gaps in legislation lead to many years of litigation, unforeseen expenses, the inability to determine the outcome of a legal conflict. As a legislative proposal: to eliminate the identified problems, it is advisable to revise Article 1225 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Protected Results of Intellectual Activity and Means of Individualization" taking into account those objects that have formed in the construction sector. Discussion. Actualization of problems in the terminology of the theory of law, which create difficulties in the application of legal norms in various types of legal activity. Increasing the importance and scientific value of interdisciplinary research. It is necessary to unify terminology affecting digital intellectual property objects in various branches of law. The protection of intellectual rights can be strengthened.

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