
The top-priority challenges were faced by the medical rehabilitation system in Ukraine. Particularly important tasks include, first of all, the rehabilitation of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 disease and people with Combat stress reaction. This fact is well understood both by the society and the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which is creating a special working group on this problem. Ukraine has a system of medical and prophylactic institutions designed for psychological and physical rehabilitation of military personnel; these use modern rehabilitation technologies. However, long-term rehabilitation in such centers is not available to everyone. Therefore, the use of telerehabilitation technology for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and similar disorders in com- bination with a means of objective control of the functional state is extremely important. One of the most effective solutions in medical rehabilitation assistance is remote patient / person-centered rehabilitation. Rehabilitation also needs effective methods for the "Physical therapist – Patient – Multidisciplinary team" system, including the statistical processing of large volumes of data. Therefore, along with the traditional means of rehabilitation, as part of the "Transdisciplinary intelligent information and analytical system for the rehabilitation processes support in a pandemic (TISP)" in this paper, we introduce and define: the revised and completed basic concepts of the hybrid e-rehabilitation notion and its fundamental foundations; the formalization concept of the new Smart-system for remote support of hybrid e-rehabilitation services and activities; and the methodological foundations for the use of services (UkrVectōrēs and vHealth) of the remote Patient / Person- centered Smart-system. The software implementation of the services of the Smart-system has been developed.

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