
Objective - Batik, recognized as a world cultural heritage, boasts a rich history and unique artistic charm, with distinctive styles and cultural connotations in China, Malaysia, and other regions. However, with digitization and globalization, batik faces challenges related to cultural heritage preservation, market circulation, artistic innovation, and digital transformation. Methodology/Technique - This study employs a mixed research method, combining qualitative methods such as field investigation, literature research, case study, and comparative study, with quantitative methods, including graphic extraction, color capture, morphological recognition, and spatial distribution analysis. Findings – The comprehensive comparative study focuses on batik patterns in Guizhou, China, and Malaysia, utilizing digital techniques to delve into their intricacies and features. The innovation of this research lies in the organic integration of qualitative and quantitative methods, transcending the boundaries of disciplines such as art, anthropology, graphics, and computer science. This approach allows for a holistic understanding of the micro-elements within batik patterns. The study expands our knowledge of the cultural genes of batik and achieves breakthroughs in digital research. Novelty - It provides methodological and theoretical innovations for cultural research in the digital age, ensuring batik's continued prosperity and inheritance as a cultural heritage in contemporary society. Type of Paper: Review JEL Classification: F30, M3. Keywords: Batik; Cultural Heritage; Digitization and Globalization; Mixed Research Method; Qualitative Methods; Quantitative Methods; Cultural Genes; Digital Research. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Na, Z; Sharudin, S.A. (2023). Digital Exploration and Marketing Study of Cultural Genes in Batik Patterns from China and Malaysia, J. Mgt. Mkt. Review, 8(4), 119 – 128. https://doi.org/10.35609/jmmr.2023.8.4(2)

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