
Based on the results of a strategic analysis of the development of the services market in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy, the prerequisites, factors and trends of the development of the services market in the national economy were determined, the environment of the services market in the conditions of the digital transformation of the economy was investigated, and the modeling of economic processes in the services market was carried out as a necessary condition for the effective management of its development. The analysis of the environment of the services market in the conditions of the digital economy through the PEST analysis made it possible to conclude that the factors of the political environment exert the greatest negative influence on the development of the market, which is caused by crisis phenomena in politics and the significant dependence of certain sectors of the intermediary services market on state regulation. The economic environment exerts the greatest positive influence on market development. Social and technical factors influence market development almost equally. The positive value of the integrated assessment indicates the predominance of trends of the positive overall impact of macro-environmental factors and indicates the possibility of market growth. The scientific principles of the cognitive approach to the analysis of the development of the service market were further developed, vector maps of alternative SWOT strategies were constructed for individual branch service markets; the conceptual and categorical apparatus of management theory by defining the concept of managing the development of economic systems; scientific-methodical approach to cognitive analysis, within which the structural-logical scheme of cognitive analysis of the market is applied.

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