
ABSTRACT Purpose: This study describes the phenomenon of digital divide in small and medium enterprises in Brazil by means of an indicator of ICTs use in these organizations. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: There are several studies on the adoption of ICTs by organizations, however rare are those that explore the topic using the concept of digital divide. This study addresses the second order digital divide, related to the effective use of ICTs by companies. Key methodological aspects: The study was carried out based on a sample of 3,231 companies participating in the "TIC Empresas" survey of 2014 (published in 2015). By means of structural equations, an index was created to measure the intensity of the ICTs use in organizations and factors that affect it were verified through linear regressions. Summary of key results: The first result concerns the feasibility of an index that measures the ICTs use. Then, when analyzing its distribution, we can see the discrepancy of values between companies in relation to their size. The regression analysis indicates that the access to technology and the Internet, as well as ICTs skills and attitudes are factors correlated to a more intense use of ICTs by organizations. Key considerations/conclusions: Digital divide is a phenomenon related to high enterprise mortality rates and low productivity in small and medium-sized enterprises. This study outlines a possible way to study this phenomenon, integrating an adoption model (TOE) and a model of ICTs use in the context of second order digital divide.

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