
The most important direction of the state innovation policy in the Republic of Belarus for the current fi ve-year period is the digital transformation of traditional sectors of the national economy. For successful digitalization of these traditional sectors of Belarusian economy it is extremely necessary to support the introduction of completely new management models based on innovative digital technologies. Digitalization of management in the agricultural sector at all levels from the state to the subject of small agrarian business will not be an exception. Today, the comprehensive large–scale digitalization of domestic agriculture is a requirement of the time and the most important is simply a vital condition for increasing its competitiveness and reaching acceptable profi tability, both for processing agricultural products with its subsequent sale, and initially for agricultural production itself, the profi tability of which remains extremely low in the whole country. The purpose of the work was to analyze further digital development and public administration in the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus. The some provisions on the study of the world experience of modern transformation of management systems in agriculture and in particular taken from the experience of North America, Western Europe and the Russian Federation have been presented in the article. The main key problems and trends of the digital development of the agricultural sphere, important points for the implementation of tasks for the successful digital transformation of Belarusian agriculture and improving the effi ciency of public administration in the domestic agrocomplex were described.

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