
Modern civilisation is characterised with unprecedented technological innovations that have led to major cultural shifts. Religion remains one of the primary phenomena that has been impacted the most by the current digital revolution. Da’wah, being one of the central tenets of Islam, is no exception to this global cyberculture. In order to remain relevant and address the needs of the current Muslim community, da’wah needs to adapt to the dynamics of the current digitization of society. This article discusses the transformation of Da’wah in the age of mass media, digital communication and the internet. This research establishes how the global digital revolution has opened new avenues for da’wah with the potential to disseminate the message of Islam far and wide. But at the same time the digitization of communication and the culture that it has constructed has unprecedented ethical implications related to cyber-culture, cyber-ethics, hyperreality and mass cognitive dissonance. Thus, while it’s imperative to ensure that the method of conducting da'wah must be relevant to the current era, it necessarily must conform completely to the ideals of the Quran and Sunnah.

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