
Introduction: Dental medicine requires mastering of not only theoretical knowledge, but also of highly developed manual skills, such as performing fine coordinated movements with the hands, fingers, body position. Aim: The aim of the study is to determine how the left-handed students studying dental medicine perceive their education, and to take the necessary steps to improve the training of left-handed students in the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FDM), Varna. Materials and Methods: The opinion of English speaking students in their 6th year (1st and 2nd group) at FDM-Varna was examined. In the survey, students filled out a questionnaire. Results : Among the 28 students who completed questionnaires, a total of 4 were left-handed students whose results were processed. Students find it difficult to practice prosthodontics, endodontics and periodontics. In their opinion, the opportunities for improving education are specialized equipment pursuant to their needs and personal training by left-handed assistant professor in dental medicine. Conclusion : According to Henderson et al., the designed dental units are basically for right-handed individuals and create difficulties for left-handed students. The study found that left-handed students studying at FDM-Varna experience difficulties with the non-personalized dental unit design, and have a need for personal training. The results of this study support the changes that were made in the training environment in FDM-Varna, which improves and supports left- handed students education.

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