
AbstractThis study investigates the role of hypnosis‐like and imagery processes in the self‐regulation of eating behavior. Eighty participants were assessed on measures of eating behaviour (EAT), body image (CDRS), trait measures of hypnotic ability (HGSHS:A) and imaginative ability (CIS) as well as process measures (ICMI, SIPI and PCI) spanning both domains. Imagination and hypnosis measures show distinct patterns of relationships with eating behaviour and body image measures. Results emphasize the importance of assessing process as well as trait or ability measures and the utility of the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) to this approach. Therapeutic implications are drawn for integrating hypnosis and imagination procedures in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) of eating disorders. Present findings should be confirmed in a larger sample and the emerging model tested utilizing Structural Equation Modelling. Copyright © 2005 British Society of Experimental & Clinical Hypnosis. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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