
Stages of oocyte development in Cynops pyrrogaster are defined, and changes of annulate lamellae in their fine structure, number, sizes and locations during oogenesis are described. The results show that two different types of annulate lamellae occur during oogenesis. One type differentiates in or at the periphery of vesicle-rich cytoplasm at the early stages of vitellogenesis and increases in number and size. The maximum number of about 40 stacks per median section of oocyte is reached at the stage of complete differentiation of the animal and the vegetal hemispheres. In these growing oocytes, all the stacks show elongate appearances and tetragonal arrangements of annuli as common characteristics. A second type of stacks of annulate lamellae is added anew in full-grown oocytes, increasing the number of stacks per median section of the oocyte to about 90. The new stacks occur in close contact with electron-dense bodies in the cytoplasm and have a massive appearance and hexagonal array of annuli. It is suggested that they appear coincidentally with the onset of oocyte maturation. The possible significance of the observed results is discussed.

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