
With the rise of crypto assets recent years, it helps more investors take participate in investing and think how to optimize their portfolios. The digital relations were introduced and new crypto assets should have its function aspect affect the financial sector. Due to professional knowledge is lacking, most investors couldn’t make proper choices and depend on their subjective thoughts. In some areas, cryptocurrency is not recognized by jurisdiction but it also applied in various fields depending on its characteristics. This paper aims to analyze various qualities such as profitability, liquidity and so on with many famous stocks and heated crypto assets. Another proposal is analyzing the differences between crypto assets and stocks for their better performance of portfolios. The methodology is searching specific data from the website CoinMarketCap.com, finance.yahoo.com and others to calculate various ratios, making dynamic charts and using models from other references. We wonder the various factors could be adopt behind different portfolios like time, policies and abrupt changes over the world which could affect the prices of stocks or crypto assets. In the final part, is about the conclusion of the difference between crypto assets and stocks that they have different characteristics by analyzing various data.

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