
Multiple visual field representations are contained within the feline LP-pulvinar complex; regions differentiated by their afferent and efferent connectivity patterns as the striate-, tecto- and retino-recipient zones. Cell responses from these visuotopic zones were investigated in immobilized cats under N2O/O2 supplemented with pentobarbitone or Althesin, using spot, bar and textured stimuli. Response fields recorded within the LP-pulvinar complex were classified as diffuse, concentric, movement-, direction- or orientation-sensitive. Concentric receptive fields were further classified as sustained (X), transient (Y) or tonic/phasic W-cells. Direction- and movement-sensitive cells predominated in the striate- and tecto-recipient zones, respectively. Motion of noise fields, or noise bars against an identical stationary noise background elicited vigorous responses from cells in the striate zone, many showing a preference for noise stimuli. In contrast, cells from the tectal zone and other divisions of the LP-pulvinar complex were insensitive to noise. The retino-recipient zone at the lateral margin of the pulvinar nucleus was characterized by cells with concentric receptive fields, the majority exhibiting properties similar to W-cells in the LGNd. The evidence supports the notion of functional subdivision within the LP-pulvinar complex corresponding to the visuotopically organized regions defined by their connectivity patterns. Consideration of the retino-recipient zone as an extension of the LGNd-MIN complex is discussed.

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