
AbstractWe consider several differential operators on compact almost-complex, almost-Hermitian and almost-Kähler manifolds. We discuss Hodge Theory for these operators and a possible cohomological interpretation. We compare the associated spaces of harmonic forms and cohomologies with the classical de Rham, Dolbeault, Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomologies.


  • On a complex manifold X the exterior derivative d decomposes as the sum of two other cohomological di erential operators, namely d = ∂ + ∂ ̄ satisfying ∂ =, ∂ ̄ = and ∂∂ ̄ + ∂ ̄∂ =

  • We compare the associated spaces of harmonic forms and cohomologies with the classical de Rham, Dolbeault, Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomologies

  • Once a Hermitian metric on X is xed one can associate to ∂ ̄ a natural elliptic di erential operator, the Dolbeault Laplacian; if X is compact the kernel of this operator has a cohomological interpretation, i.e., it is isomorphic to the Dolbeault cohomology of X

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If we do not assume the integrability of the almost-complex structure, i.e., (X, J) is an almost-complex manifold, the ∂ ̄ operator is still well-de ned but it has no more a cohomological meaning. In this paper we are interested in studying the properties of such operators, their harmonic forms and possibly their cohomological meaning on compact manifolds endowed with a non-integrable almost-complex structure. The considered parametrized cohomology groups do not generalize (except for the almost-Kähler case) the classical Dolbeault, Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomology groups of complex manifolds. Let (X, J) be an almost-complex manifold and consider a linear combination of the di erential operators ∂ , ∂ ̄ , μ , μ, Da,b,c,e := a ∂ ̄ + b ∂ + c μ + e μ , with a, b, c, e ∈ C \ { }.

We set
One has the following
By the elliptic operators theory we get the following
Di erential operators on symplectic manifolds
We de ne the following di erential operators
We have the following
We get the following
Putting all this together we obtain
We prove the following Lemma
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