
The Asteraceae is a large family, rich in ornamental, economical, and medicinally valuable plants. The current study involves the analytical and pharmacological assessment of the methanolic extracts of three less investigated Asteraceae plants, namely Echinops ritro, Centaurea deflexa, and Tripleurospermum decipiens, obtained by three different extraction methodologies viz. maceration (MAC), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and homogenizer-assisted extraction (HAE). LC-MS-MS analysis of E. ritro, C. deflexa, and T. decipiens extracts led to the identification of ca. 29, 20, and 33 metabolites, respectively, belonging to flavonoids, phenolic acids, and fatty acids/amides. Although there were significant differences in the quantitative metabolite profiles in the extracts of E. ritro and T. decipiens based on the used extraction method, no significant variation was observed in the extracts of C. deflexa in the three implemented extraction techniques. The antioxidant activities of the nine extracts were assessed in vitro using six different assays viz. DPPH, ABTS, CUPRAC, FRAP, PDA, and metal chelation assay (MCA). The HAE/UAE extracts of E. ritro and the UAE/ MAC extracts of C. deflexa displayed the highest antioxidant activity in the DPPH assay, while the UAE extract of T. decipiens showed the strongest antioxidant activity in both the CUPRAC and MCA assays. The enzyme inhibitory activities of the nine extracts were studied in vitro on five different enzymes viz. tyrosinase, α-amylase, α-glucosidase, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and butyrylcholinestrase (BChE), affecting various pathological diseases. Concerning C. deflexa, its MAC /UAE extracts showed the strongest inhibition on α-amylase, while its UAE/HAE extracts displayed strong inhibitory power on AChE. However, no significant difference was observed on their effects on tyrosinase or BChE. For T. decipiens, its UAE/HAE showed potent inhibition to α-glucosidase, MAC/ HAE significantly inhibited AChE and BChE, while UAE could strongly inhibit tyrosinase enzyme. For E. ritro, all extracts equally inhibited α-amylase and α-glucosidase, MAC/HAE strongly affected tyrosinase, HAE/MAC best inhibited BChE, while HAE inhibited AChE to a greater extent. Chemometric analysis using PCA plot was able to discriminate between the plant samples and between the implemented extraction modes. The in vitro enzyme inhibitory activities of the extracts were supported by in silico data, where metabolites, such as the lignan arctiin and the flavonoid vicenin-2, dominating the extract of C. deflexa, displayed strong binding to AChE. Similarly, chlorogenic and dicaffeoyl quinic acids, which are some of the major metabolites in the extracts of E. ritro and T. decipiens, bound with high affinity to α-glucosidase.

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