
Escherichia coli tryptophan indole-lyase (Trpase) is a bacterial pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme which catalyzes the reversible beta-elimination of l-Trp to give indole and ammonium pyruvate. H463F mutant E. coli Trpase (H463F Trpase) has very low activity with l-Trp, but it has near wild-type activity with other in vitro substrates, such as S-ethyl-l-cysteine and S-(o-nitrophenyl)-l-cysteine [Phillips, R. S., Johnson, N., and Kamath, A. V. (2002) Formation in vitro of Hybrid Dimers of H463F and Y74F Mutant Escherichia coli Tryptophan Indole-lyase Rescues Activity with l-Tryptophan, Biochemistry 41, 4012-4019]. The interaction of H463F Trpase with l-Trp and l-Met, a competitive inhibitor, has been investigated by rapid-scanning stopped-flow, high-pressure, and pressure jump spectrophotometry. Both l-Trp and l-Met bind to H463F Trpase to form equilibrating mixtures of external aldimine and quinonoid intermediates, absorbing at approximately 420 and approximately 505 nm, respectively. The apparent rate constant for quinonoid intermediate formation exhibits a hyperbolic dependence on l-Trp and l-Met concentration. The rate constant for quinonoid intermediate formation from l-Trp is approximately 10-fold lower for H463F Trpase than for wild-type Trpase, but the rate constant for reaction of l-Met is similar for H463F Trpase and wild-type Trpase. The temperature dependence of the rate constants for quinonoid intermediate formation reveals that both l-Trp and l-Met have similar values of DeltaH(++), but l-Met has a more negative value of DeltaS(++). Hydrostatic pressure perturbs the spectra of the H463F l-Trp and l-Met complexes, by shifting the position of the equilibria between different quinonoid and external aldimine complexes. Pressure-jump experiments show relaxations at 500 nm after rapid pressure changes of 100-400 bar with both l-Trp and l-Met. The apparent rate constants for relaxation of l-Trp, but not l-Met, show a significant increase with pressure. From these data, the value of DeltaV(++) for quinonoid intermediate formation from the external aldimine of l-Trp can be estimated to be -26.5 mL/mol, a larger than expected negative value for a proton transfer. These results suggest that there may be a contribution to the deprotonation reaction either from quantum mechanical tunneling or from a mechanical coupling of protein motion and proton transfer associated with the reaction of l-Trp, but not with l-Met.

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