Table S1. Table summarizing the history of four patients with paracervical vascular anomalies, both UAP and varices. Videoclip S1. Video demonstrating the aspect of the same patient of figure 1. A whirlpool flow is seen inside the UAP, both at greyscale ultrasound and at Doppler assessment, even with a high PRF. The vascular mass is located on the left cervical side and seemed to be fed by left uterine artery as shown by the pulsed Doppler analysis. Videoclip S2. Video demonstrating the aspect of the UAP of case 2. A whirlpool flow is seen inside the UAP located on the right of the hysterotomic breech. The feeding vessel is clearly visible arising from the right uterine artery (arrow). Videoclip S3. Transvaginal ultrasound of case 3. Moving the probe laterally from the cervix, the varices are visible, with their tortuous course and their low-velocity intraluminal flow. At Power Doppler the left uterine artery is clearly visible across the vascular mass, without dilatation nor clear communicating feeding vessel, strengthening the hypothesis of the venous origin of the formation. Videoclip S4. Transvaginal ultrasound of case 4; the venous vascular formation is detectable by moving the probe on the right side of uterine isthmus. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
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