Let Mn and Nn be closed manifolds, and let G be any (nonzero) module. (1) If f: M3 -N3 is C3 G-acyclic, then there is a closed C3 3-manifold K3 such that N3 # K3 is diffeomorphic to M3, and f1(y) is cellular for all but at most r points y E N3, where r is the number of nontrivial G-cohomology 3-spheres in the prime decomposition of K3. (2) Iff: M3 _> M3 orf: S3 _* M3 is G-acyclic, then f is cellular. In case G is Z or Z, (p prime), results analogous to (1) and (2) in the topological category have been proved by Alden Wright. (3) If f: Mn -* Mn or f: Sn * Mn is real analytic monotone onto, then f is a homeomorphism. 1. Conventions and definitions. Let G be a module, and let A c Mn be compact. Then A is acyclic (k-acyclic; cellular) is the reduced Cech cohomology module H*(A; G)=0 (Hk(A;G)=O; there are n-cells AkcMMn such that Ak+lcint Ak and nk Ak=A). A proper onto map f: Mn -Nn is monotone (acyclic; cellular) if, for each y E Nn, f -1(y) is connected (acyclic; cellular). The branch set Bf is the set of points in Mn at which f fails to be a local homeomorphism. Standing hypotheses. Unless otherwise specified, all manifolds are connected, separable, and without boundary. Whenever the statement of a theorem refers to a map f without specifying its domain and range, it is understood that f: Mn -Nn is proper and onto. Whenever coefficients of cohomology are not specified, any (nonzero) module G may be used. Other conventions and definitions are as in [6, pp. 185-186]. For other work on monotone, acyclic, and cellular mapsf: Mn Nn, see bibliographies of this paper, [1], [15], and (vast) [30]. 2. Real analytic monotone maps. 2.1. DEFINITION. Let G be a module, and let Cf = Cf(G) = f I(Cl {y E Nn: fl*(f 1(y); G) # 0}). 2.2. LEMMA. Let L be a principal ideal domain, let Mn be orientable over L, and let dim (f(Cf)) < 0. Received by the editors August 26, 1970. AMS 1970 subject classifications. Primary 57A60, 54C10; Secondary 57D35, 32C05.
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