
The development of inorganic fertilizers were found to be unsuitable for agriculture industry in Malaysia. In this study, the observation on the growth of chili plants was attempted with the presence of two types of controlled release fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer via a transplanting method. The chili plants were then undergone three observations which are plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves. The average plant height of chili plants of controlled release fertilizer B is 20.3 cm, 25.0 cm and 16.5 cm while the average stem diameter is 1.84 cm, 1.93 cm and 1.84 cm while for the average number of leaves is 41, 51 and 32.5. As a result, the chili plants with controlled release fertilizer B showed a positive result and were then tested by cross-sectional stem analysis by using a microscope results. This method aim is to ensure that controlled release fertilizer with extra nutrients is the most suitable for use by the public. Based on the composition of chili stem shown under microscope magnification, thickness of the outer layer indicates the chili plants have undergone a good absorption. The inner epidermis layer and outer epidermis layer were found, and it is subject to the agreement of plant cell structure. Based on all these studies, the chili plants with CRF B were found to grow rapidly in the fourth week. Therefore, it can be concluded that controlled release fertilizer is a high-quality product to be used by public based on the 6 weeks observation, cross-sectional stem analysis and the comparison of additional nutrients in CRF B.

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