
This study aims to determine: 1) The difference between the effect of direct and indirect learning methods to an increase in male's triple jump at the class XI student of SMA Negeri I Polokarto Sukoharjo; 2) Learning that has a better effect between direct and indirect learning on the increase in triple jumps in male students of class XI student of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo. The research method used is the experimental method, the namely experimental activity which begins with giving treatment to the subject which ends with a form of test to determine the effect of the treatment that has been given. The sampling technique used is random sampling. The population in this study were male students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo in the 2017/ 2018 academic year, totaling 71 students and then drawn with a random sampling technique to obtain 30 samples. Data analysis techniques were carried out by normality and homogeneity tests, to fulfill the assumptions about the results of the study conducted a different test. Based on the results of the study obtained the following conclusions: 1) There is a significant difference between the direct and indirect learning approaches to the ability of triple jump in male students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo in academic year 2011/ 2012, with a calculated value tcount is 2,229 and ttable is 2.145 with a significance level of 5%; 2) Triple jump learning with the indirect learning approach has a better effect than the direct learning approach to the ability of triple jump in male students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto Sukoharjo in the academic year 2017/2018. Group 1 (direct learning) has an increase of 2.491%. While group 2 (indirect learning) has an increasing percentage of 6.820%.

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