
The aim of this study was to determine whether subtle changes in the energy-to-N ratio of medium-concentrate diets alters hepatic export protein synthesis and the partition of protein metabolism in the whole body of growing rams. Rams (n = 6; 41.5 +/- 2.6 kg of BW) were fitted with catheters for measurement of Leu and Phe tracer kinetics across the portal drained-viscera (PDV) and liver. Rams were assigned to receive 3 dietary treatments according to a duplicated Latin square design. Animals received forage-concentrate-based diets that were balanced for ME and available N (CON), 20% imbalanced (reduced) in available N (LN), or 20% imbalanced in ME (LE). After 15 d on each experimental diet, [ring-(2)H(5)]Phe (4.3 micromolxkg(-1)xh(-1)) and [1-(13)C]Leu (8.6 micromolxkg(-1)xh(-1)) were continuously infused into the vena cava for 10 h and, over the last 7 h of infusion, matched sets of blood samples were taken. Daily BW gain was less (P < 0.05) for the LE (0.191 kgxd(-1)) diet compared with CON (0.265 kg/d) and LN (258 kgxd(-1)) diets. Compared with CON, whole body irreversible loss rate (ILR) of Leu and Phe was less (10 to 16%, P < 0.02) for LN and LE diets, which for Leu reflected its decreased (20 to 24%, P < 0.05) net PDV absorption. The decreased whole body ILR is due to a decreased PDV ILR in both diets with a relative contribution of the PDV to the whole body ILR decreased (P < 0.05) in the LN (27%) diet compared with the CON (36%) and LE (33%) diets. This decreased PDV ILR was associated with a decreased net Leu PDV uptake in LN and LE diets (-25 and -20%, respectively; P < 0.05). Conversely, the decreased whole body Phe ILR is explained by a decreased hepatic ILR (and contribution to the whole body ILR) and was associated with a decreased net hepatic uptake of Phe in LN (-25%) and LE (-20%) diets compared with CON (P = 0.03). The fractional and absolute synthesis rates of total proteins and albumin were decreased by 10% in LE animals (P < 0.05), whereas they were not affected by the LN diet. These results suggest a specific decreased utilization of Leu at the PDV due to a specific sparing mechanism in the LN diet. Conversely, a decreased Phe utilization occurred in the liver in both diets (due to a decreased export protein synthesis and a probable decreased oxidation in LE diet, whereas only oxidation is reduced in LN diet).

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