
1. Groups of rabbits were given diets containing different proportions of butterfat and maize oil. After the animals had been given the experimental diets for 40 weeks the plasma phospho- lipids were fractionated and the fatty acid composition of each fraction was determined.2. Phosphatidyl choline and lysophosphatidyl choline accounted for about 75 and 12% respectively of the total plasma phospholipids: phosphatidyl ethanolamine, sphingomyelin and phosphatidyl serine accounted for only about 5.3, 5.0 and 2.6% respectively. Changes in the linoleic acid content of the diet had little effect on the relative proportions of the individual plasma phospholipids, but there was an over-all decrease in the concentration of total phospholipids in the plasma as the linoleic acid content of the diet was increased from 0.25 to 10.6%.3. When the diet contained 0.25 % linoleic acid, the linoleic acid:oleic acid ratio in the phosphatidyl choline (1.3) was similar to that in the phosphatidyl ethanolamine (1.2), but as the linoleic acid content of the diet was increased to 10.6% the linoleic acid:oleic acid ratio in the phosphatidyl choline increased to 48, whereas that in the phosphatidyl ethanolamine increased only to 2.2. Increases in the linoleic acid content of the diet resulted also in increases in the linoleic acid:oleic acid ratios in the phosphatidyl serine, lysophosphatidyl choline and sp hingomyelin.4. When the linoleic acid content of the diet was increased, the stearic acid:palmitic acid ratio in the phosphatidyl choline increased, whereas it decreased in the phosphatidyl ethanol- amine and remained relatively unaltered in the phosphatidyl serine. The stearic acid contents of the lysophosphatidyl choline and sphingomyelin were unaltered by dietary treatments, but the palmitic acid content of these two phospholipids decreased as the linoleic acid content of the diet increased.5. The results are discussed in terms of the metabolic relationships that exist between the various phospholipids.

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