Abstract – Lake Michigan has experienced many ecological changes as a result of introductions of non‐native species. Arguably the most significant was that of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), yet studies on diet overlap with native species are lacking. We analysed diet trends of alewife, spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) collected in summer and fall 2000–2007 near Waukegan, IL, in 3–10 m depths. Mean percentage composition by dry weight for 23 prey taxa was used in multivariate analysis to test whether diet differed across species and size classes. We also tested whether zooplankton and benthic invertebrate community composition changed over time. Fish diets were similar over all years but differed seasonally. In summer, diets of large alewife were similar to both small alewife and small yellow perch, with Bosminidae, chironomid larvae and copepods as primary common prey. During fall, alewife and yellow perch size classes exhibited strong intraspecific diet overlap, while there was low diet overlap between species. Primary distinctions between species’ diets in fall were higher consumption of amphipods by yellow perch and dreissenids by spottail shiners compared to alewife, which consumed higher proportions of zooplankton. Overall, high yellow perch diet overlap with alewife during summer and with their larger conspecifics during fall could lead to negative implications for yellow perch growth before the critical overwintering period. Detailed insights into diet overlap and prey availability are critical first steps in understanding competitive interactions between native and non‐native fish that dominate the nearshore community in southwestern Lake Michigan.
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