
To develop Pb-free piezoelectric ceramics, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of NaNbO3–LiNbO3–SrTiO3 perovskite ceramics were investigated as functions of composition. As for ceramics prepared in this study, the orthorhombic perovskite phase was formed at lower temperatures and was transformed to a tetragonal form and then to a cubic form with an increase in temperature. The tetragonal-cubic transition temperature (Curie temperature, Tc) gradually shifted toward lower temperatures with an increase in SrTiO3 content. Among the ceramics obtained, the 0.86NaNbO3–0.09LiNbO3–0.05SrTiO3 composition showed relatively good piezoelectric properties, namely, kp = 0.20, d33 = 53 pC/N, and Qm = 500, for high-frequency applications for the Pb-free piezoelectric ceramics reproted.

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