
The church order of the Dutch Reformed Church 1962 and synods: The church order of Dordrecht adapted to our day? After the completion of their concept of the first church order for the whole Dutch Reformed Church (DRC), an order which was accepted by the first general synod of the DRC in 1962, one of the members of the drawing committee, J.D. Vorster, declared that this concept was a modern example of the church order of the Synod of Dordrecht in 1619 in the Netherlands: an order for modern times. The DRC all along associated with this synod in its acceptance of the Three Formulas of Unity as confessions of faith, and now wanted to extend this to its church order. An investigation into the articles or ruling of the DRC church order of 1962 on the existence and functioning of synods in the DRC shows that it was not totally in line with that of Dordtrecht. Apart from some issues on the agenda of the synods that constituted the general synod, as well as some points for the agenda of the general synod, the church order of the DRC took its own direction. In determining the delegation and agendas of synods, the church order of the DRC followed principles foreign to a reformed church polity. A reformation of these structures in our day will benefit the whole DRC: from the congregations to major assemblies. Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This article concentrates on church polity and the development of a church order in a reformed way – especially on the theme of assemblies in church. It also needs and stimulates the knowledge of general history and church history for a reformed church in South Africa which has ties with the reformed churches in the Netherlands.


  • Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This article concentrates on church polity and the development of a church order in a reformed way – especially on the theme of assemblies in church

  • Die Kommissie van Aktuarii van die verskillende sinodes wat in die Algemene Sinode in Oktober 1962 verenig, wil sien dat die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK) kerkordelik op die spoor van die Nederlandse (Nederduitse) gereformeerde kerke van die 16de eeu, loop

  • Die vraag is nou: Loop NGKO-62 in sy bepalings oor sinodes – die sinodes van die ou Kaapland, Natal, die Vrystaat, die ou Transvaal en Suidwes-Afrika – en die Algemene Sinode waarin hulle in 1962 verenig (Van der Watt 1987:9, 20–21), op die spoor van die DKO-1619? Is NGKO-62 hierin die DKO-1619 aangepas by die eise van die dag? Gebruik NGKO-62 dieselfde beginsels as die DKO-1619 vir die samestelling en werksaamhede van partikuliere of streeksinodes of net sinodes én die nuwe Algemene of, soos dit deur ander gereformeerde kerke genoem word, nasionale Sinode?

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Original Research

After the completion of their concept of the first church order for the whole Dutch Reformed Church (DRC), an order which was accepted by the first general synod of the DRC in 1962, one of the members of the drawing committee, J.D Vorster, declared that this concept was a modern example of the church order of the Synod of Dordrecht in 1619 in the Netherlands: an order for modern times. Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This article concentrates on church polity and the development of a church order in a reformed way – especially on the theme of assemblies in church. Daarmee impliseer Vorster dat NGKO-62 in die Nederlands-gereformeerde kerkordelike tradisie staan en na die Dordtse Kerkorde van 1618–1619 (DKO-1619) en die 16de-eeuse Kerkordes teruggevoer kan word (Pont 1981:70–186; Rutgers 1971:10).. Vorster wat hierin ’n leidende rol speel, baan hierdie skuif van die Kaapse Kerk in 1957 die weg vir die eerste Algemene Sinode van die NGK, die Sinode van 1962, om dieselfde te doen (Vorster 1960:13)

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