
Schlagworter: Entwicklungspolitik, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, BMZ, Regierungswechsel ----- German Development Policy: An Analysis of the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development under Liberal & Social Democratic Leadership. Abstract This article analyses and compares German development policy, as expressed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), during two different leadership periods. From 2009-2013 the BMZ was led by Dirk Niebel from the Liberal Party (FDP) whereas from 1998-2009 BMZ leadership was held by Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul from the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Three different underlying logics help to differentiate BMZ measures: a logic of geopolitics, a logic of economics, and a logic of ‘genuine’ development. In analysing the underlying logics of BMZ measures during the two different leadership periods, the paper concludes that the change in office allowed for new nitiatives and a shift in focus, however this shift was least prominent in the area of economic policy. The findings support the hypothesis that even though development policy operates in the field of foreign policy and has its own specific logics, it nevertheless has to take into account the accumulation of national capital. Keywords: development policy, development cooperation, BMZ, change of government ----- Bibliographie: Bramer, Josephine/Ziai, Aram: Die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik unter Niebel: Eine handlungslogische Analyse des FDP-gefuhrten BMZ, PERIPHERIE, 3-2015, S. 400-418. https://doi.org/10.3224/peripherie.v35i140.22996

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