
The article focuses on the use of digital technologies in the learning process. According to the authors, digital technologies can be considered as a comprehensive means of teaching a foreign language in a higher educational institution. In this regard, the urgent problem is the organic combination of traditional learning with the introduction of information and communication technologies and the methodically correct organisation of the educational process. The article reveals didactic potential of digital technologies that contributes to intensive foreign language practice. The research is aimed at the theoretical substantiation of pedagogical effectiveness of digital resources for developing foreign language competence and generalization of the results of experimental training using information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching of non-linguistic students. The cluster of digital resources used by the authors in the teaching process is suggested. To verify the productivity of introducing digital resources in foreign language training of university students the authors conducted the pedagogical experiment using the methods of scientific research. The dynamics of students’ foreign language communicative competence formation was determined including mastery of skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing. The results of the pedagogical experiment proved the effectiveness of using information and communication technologies in enhancing students’ learning, increasing motivation for foreign language acquisition, creating favourable conditions for developing students’ speech skills, independent learning skills and self-control.

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