
The relevance of the problem of transforming the clip-based thinking of higher education students in the conditions of teaching construction mechanics and its solution taking into account the didactic capabilities of educational and digital technologies is undeniable in view of the dynamics of the growth of the volume of educational information, which requires the subjects of the educational process to flexibly adapt scientific approaches, teaching technologies , ways of thinking to modern educational needs. It was determined that clip thinking, which is characterized by speed and superficial consideration of information, lack of attention and its concentration, fragmentation and mosaicism of the world picture, loss of desire for knowledge, reduced need and ability for productive activity, can be both an advantage and a disadvantage in the conditions of digital era, modern system requirements for the training of professionals with a formed system of value orientations, innovative thinking, a culture of cognitive activity. It was established that the essence of the transformation of clip thinking of higher education students in the context of teaching construction mechanics is the integration of educational innovations with the aim of improving the quality of learning and teaching, developing students' critical thinking, and changes in the ways of perceiving and processing information. It was found that didactic mechanisms for the transformation of clip thinking - effective use of data analytics, interactive educational platforms, data visualization, joint platforms and exchange of opinions, automation of processes for data collection and processing, stimulation of critical thinking - contribute to the balanced use of educational tools to improve the perception of information , the development of cognitive competence and contribute to the creation of an educational environment that meets the needs of today. It was concluded that the properties of "clip thinking" can be transformed under the condition of the appropriate construction of the organization of the study of construction mechanics in the direction of the logical presentation of educational material; compliance of training with practical goals; implementation of learning technologies aimed at educational interaction; ensuring an individual approach to the organization of students' educational and cognitive activities.

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