
Aim. The presented study aims to provide a theoretical interpretation of digitalization processes from the perspective of analyzing changes in the socio-economic system in the context of the increasing influence of digital technologies on the economy and society; to formulate conclusions and proposals for the effective use of modern methods, approaches, and tools to ensure national economic growth.Tasks. The authors analyze the processes of the digitalization of the economy in historical retrospect; consider the scientific views of representatives of various concepts of the digital economy as a phenomenon of an economy based on the active use of information, communication, and other advanced technologies in the production of economic goods; identify factors influencing the economic system of digital information transformation processes in society and the associated socio-political risks and challenges; show the impact of digital technologies on economic growth.Methods. This study uses the historical and abstract logical method, complex functional analysis, systems approach, comparison, and expert assessment.Results. The authors substantiate the conclusion that it is necessary and expedient to make allowance for the historical experience and socio-cultural identity of the country to ensure the progressive development and security of the national economy focused on technological modernization; provide recommendations on overcoming the contradictions identified during the analysis and reducing socio-economic risks.Conclusion. A retrospective analysis shows that along with the existing historical continuity of the stages of the digitalization of the economy, there is a gradual displacement of analog technologies by their digital substitutes and the emergence of new forms of business based on digital technologies.

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