
The purpose of the article is to highlight dialecticism as one of the means of speech characteristic and substantiate the expediency of its use in the creating process of a stage image by dramatic actors. The methodology of the research is to use systemic and comparative methods, which have allowed to emphasize the importance of individual verbal principles in the process of preparation and implementation of roles by performers. At the same time, this approach has allowed making a comparative analysis between the dialectical and literary language in lines during the stage action. The scientific novelty lies in the awareness and learning of the use of dialects by dramatic actors as one of the main features of speech characteristic that complies with the demands of theatrical practice. For the first time, the performing play has been examined in terms of orthoepy modification. It is stipulated that the implementation of the study of dialects as an acting profession component into the educational process of theatrical institutions is advisable. Conclusions: the use of various approaches to acting pronunciation: reorganization of the speech apparatus from a conversational manner to a vocal, recitative one; the transfer of the essence of the text at the rhythmic-melodic level, dynamic and sound-high-altitude range with emotional-sensory mobility of language can really facilitate versatile knowledge, the disclosure of an author’s word with local modifications of a common language.

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