
The territory of Alto Sertão plays a role of extreme social and economic importance for Sergipe, as it is an important region that produces milk and its derivatives, with emphasis on artisanal Coalho cheese. However, when this food is not obtained under adequate conditions of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), undesirable microorganisms may multiply, which may reflect negatively on the product's final quality, in addition to possible risks to the consumer's health. In this context, this study aimed to diagnose GMPs in establishments producing artisanal coalho cheese in Alto Sertão Sergipano. First, a survey was carried out in partnership with the municipal secretaries of Agriculture of possible cheese factories in the cities of Alto Sertão Sergipano, being chosen five establishments in four cities with the most representative in the production of artisanal Coalho cheese from Alto Sertão Sergipano (Canindé do São Francisco, Gararu, Monte Alegre and Nossa Senhora da Glória). Then, a checklist adapted from ANVISA, 2002, was applied in person, totaling 20 establishments producing artisanal coalho cheese. From the results obtained, it was possible to verify that most cheese factories, regardless of the city surveyed, were not in compliance with the recommendations recommended by current legislation, especially concerning the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the facilities, transport of raw materials, storage of the cheese and lack of training and technical assistance, in addition to failures or absence of GMP. KEYWORDS: Hygienic-sanitary habits, checklist, GMP, artisanal Coalho cheese.

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