
Now pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is one of the most urgent problems in modern gynecology. Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID) have a leading position not only in the structure of gynecological morbidity, but also are the most frequent cause of damage to the reproductive health of women, thereby creating health, social and economic problems. In modern conditions, inflammatory diseases of the genitals are characterized by several features: multifocal inflammatory lesion; the lack of specific clinical symptoms; transformation of clinical finding toward obligated and atypical forms which causes significant difficulties in diagnosis. Latent, obligated, indolent, asymptomatic, subclinical, and in English literature - "dumb, atypical or unrecognized" inflammation is 60% of all PID (V.I. Kulakov, 2005, A.P. Nikonov, 2006, Bezbakh I.V., 2006, Lineva O.I., 2006, Kovalev, L.A., 2010, Sweet R.L., 2009 Serov V.N., 2011). In 2012 European Guideline IUSTI / WHO on keeping patients with pelvic inflammatory disease was published. Unfortunately, conventional methods for routine laboratory studies often have a diagnostic value only in patients with severe clinical manifestations of the disease. Thus, to assess the severity of the inflammatory process only by conventional clinical criteria are currently not possible. Search of diagnostic criteria based on objective indicators, is highly relevant [1], [3].

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