
Abstract Background Allergic rhinits is a prevalent condition, affecting a substantial proportion of the population. This study investigates the impact of ongoing biologic therapy, specifically with Dupilumab, on allergy diagnostics in patients with allergic rhinits. Methods Various tests, including the Skin Prick Test, serum IgE levels and Allergy Screening Panels, were examined for their effectiveness in detecting sensitizations during biologic treatment. Results The results indicate a significant decline in total IgE levels following biologic therapy initiation, aligning with previous findings on Dupilumab's inhibitory effects on IL-4 and IL-13. However, the specific IgE to total IgE ratio for major allergens was not significantly reduced. Comparing diagnostic tools, the Skin Prick Test demonstrates an impressive retention rate of sensitizations (98%) during Dupilumab treatment, outperforming the Allergy Screening Panel, which shows a 75% detection rate. Notably, the panel displays limitations in capturing lower sensitization levels. Conclusion In summary, this study underscores that, despite the influence of biologic therapy on certain markers, standard allergy tests remain viable while emphasizing the importance of considering specific IgE levels rather than relying solely on CAP classes. The Skin Prick Test in particular proves to be a reliable tool for identifying sensitizations during Dupilumab treatment. The results offer valuable guidance for the diagnostic management of Allergic rhinits in individuals subjected to Dupilumab treatment.

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