
The land cargo transportation represents one of the links in the logistics chain of great importance at the regional, national and global levels, due to its impact not only at an economic level but also at a social level. However, this sector shows operational deficiencies that affect not better productivity and competitiveness levels are obtained compared with other regions and countries. It is there where Integrated Management Systems become an alternative to support companies in achieving these objectives, especially in companies in this sector, where no diagnostic studies had found in the implementation of these management systems. This article presents a methodology for diagnosing the initial conditions for the application of Integrated Management Systems in companies belonging to the cargo logistics sector of the city of Barranquilla, taking into account the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and BASC. First, an instrument for measurement and diagnosis was constructed and statistically valid. Afterward, the general profile of the companies in the sector was described and categorized into four differentiated groups according to their level of performance, and the GAPS or percentage differences between the standard and the results obtained calculated. Finally, improvement plans proposed for the critical variables identified. The results show the importance in the application of diagnostic tools and the improvement of the conditions for the implementation of Integrated Management Systems, through a reliable data measurement and analysis instrument, with a Cronbach alpha of 0,96.

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