
This review will be concerned primarily with a practical yet comprehensive diagnostic procedure for the diagnosis or even mass screening of a variety of metabolic disorders. This rapid, highly sensitive procedure offers possibilities for clinical chemistry laboratories to extend their diagnostic capacity to new areas of metabolic disorders. The diagnostic procedure consists of the use of urine or filter paper urine, preincubation of urine with urease, stable isotope dilution, and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Sample preparation from urine or filter paper urine, creatinine determination, stable isotope-labeled compounds used, and GC–MS measurement conditions are described. Not only organic acids or polar ones but also amino acids, sugars, polyols, purines, pyrimidines and other compounds are simultaneously analyzed and quantified. In this review, a pilot study for screening of 22 target diseases in newborns we are conducting in Japan is described. A neonate with presymptomatic propionic acidemia was detected among 10,000 neonates in the pilot study. The metabolic profiles of patients with ornithine carbamoyl transferase deficiency, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase deficiency or succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency obtained by this method are presented as examples. They were compared to those obtained by the conventional solvent extraction methods or by the tandem mass spectrometric method currently done with dried filter blood spots. The highly sensitive, specific and comprehensive features of our procedure are also demonstrated by its use in establishing the chemical diagnosis of pyrimidine degradation defects in order to prevent side effects of pyrimidine analogs such as 5-flurouracil, and the differential diagnosis of three types of homocystinuria, orotic aciduria, uraciluria and other urea cycle disorders. Evaluation of the effects of liver transplantation or nutritional conditions such as folate deficiency in patients with inborn errors of metabolism is also described.

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