
Currently, the role of the dietitian in a community is very important and desirable because the number of patients that need their attention keeps increasing, especially the number of diabetic cases. In traditional practice, dietitians still use pamphlets, samples of real food packaging, and written information including drawing on a piece of paper, to transfer information to the patient during the consultation process. The drawbacks of this practice are information loss, cannot keep track of the patient's condition systematically, and time-consuming because the same process keeps repeating depends on the number of patients on the day. The goal of this study is to develop an online dietetic care management system with a good user interface and user experience (Ui/Ux) to help the dietitian during the consultation session. The responsive website framework is used as the methodology to achieve the objective. As a result, the diabetic care management system with four main functions to ease dietitian practice is successfully developed.

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