
diabetesDE is a non-governmental organization founded by the German Diabetes Association (DDG) and the German Association of Diabetes Nurses and Educators (VDBD), which brings people with diabetes as well as all professional groups such as physicians, diabetes counsellors and researchers together under one organization to ensure better prevention, care and research in the fight against the diabetes epidemic. Diabetologists stand to gain from membership in the association: their joint action with professional partners and patients will make their voice more powerful. In addition, diabetesDE offers patients and their families an extensive service package, including measures to improve their daily life with diabetes. As members, patients have access to information and counselling via telephone 24/7. By providing this kind of service diabetesDE supports the work of diabetes teams precisely where daily time pressure may leave insufficient opportunity for detailed consultations. diabetesDE’s slogan “act - care - cure” is a vision for all levels: every member can become active via the platform offered by diabetesDE. Patients, as well as professional players, are offered help in the form of information, services and representation of interests. Curing diabetes may still lie some time in the future, but we need to develop the necessary organizational and scientific prerequisites today to make this future become reality.

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