
Di-butyl phthalate (DBP) is commonly added to make plastics softer and more pliable and is found in a variety of consumer and industrial products. Alarmingly high levels of DBP have been detected in water and sediment as DBP leaches from products. These levels are concerning and have led the Environmental Protection Agency to label DBP as a priority environmental pollutant and the European Commission to label DBP as a priority substance. Given the ubiquitous presence of DBP globally and continuous exposure to DBP, studies on the developmental toxicity of DBP are needed. The endocrine disrupting effects of DBP are well documented, but developmental toxicity of DBP during critical developmental time windows is understudied. Here, we investigate the developmental effects of DBP exposure during early development. We find defects in craniofacial development including a decrease in overall cranial size in DBP treated embryos, but the intraocular distance was increased compared to controls. Further investigation of jawbone development demonstrated loss of and disorganization of cartilage development. Defects in vascular innervation and neuronal patterning were also noted. Here we conclude that exposure to DBP during crucial time windows of embryonic development is toxic to craniofacial development.

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