
Dhammapada. Chos kyi tshigs su bcad pa. Ed. and tr. by Chhi Med Rig Dzin Lama. (The Dalai Lama Tibeto-Indological Studies Series Vol. IV), Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath 1982. V + 432 pp. Hbk Rs 75, pbk Rs 55. Dhammapada. (Tr. into Tibetan from the Pali by dGe-'dun Chos-'phel; tr. into English from the Tibetan by Dharma Publishing Staff). Dharma Publishing, Berkeley 1985. xii + 381 pp., including four drawings in the style of traditional Tibetan religious art and one specimen of Tibetan calligraphy. Pbk $12.95.

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